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man of god's tool box
10 essential elements
1. put on the full armor of god
(to face your storms)
2. be fireproof
when god is with you
(to face the fires of your life and relationships)
3. walk towards the fire & storms of your life and relationships
(to face the fires of your life and relationships)
4. don't take your eyes off christ like peter and the men on the boat during the storm
(let christ be your focal point)
5. Much like christ is to us, we must be to our spouse or partner. we must be the "eye" of the storm.
(Where is the safest place in the hurricane? It's the eye. Note the eye is at the center. Skies are often clear above the eye and winds are relatively light. It is actually the calmest section of any hurricane. The eye is so calm because the now strong surface winds that converge towards the center never reach it). It is the calmest, safest and most secure spot during a storm.
6. relationships are like a bridge over a river or moat
(you must be in agreement or one will have a wall up or both; however, when you both are able to listen from understanding and communicate you open let down your bridge of trust and that's when your greatest connections of intimacy and growth are present)
7. men have influence & success when they live by the fruits of the spirit
(These are the qualities and characteristics of christ. our effectiveness as a leader of our homes family, friends and community depends on it )
8. men as the ceo's of our home you must love your spouse or partner by their love language
(As the man of the house we must take the time to learn our spouses or partners love language and meet them where they are at. )
9. men must be the ceo's of their home in order to influence your spouse or partner which begins by communicating according to their style.
(As the man of the house we must take the time to learn our spouses or partners communication style and adjust to them in order to understand and influence them to hear us. i.e., if your a thinker and she's a feeler. feel what she's saying, not hear what she's saying. ) The definition of leadership is the ability to influence others. By doing this, you influence her willingly.
10. the man of god must know when to become the child of god.
(When a man has exhausted by his approach, strategy or tactic, ending up with the same unsuccessful results, it is a clue that you are far beyond your capability or influence. it is at this point you must become the child of god handing any and all problem or issue over to god to resolve. laying them at His feet and by doing so you humble yourself and let go of any ego or pride. )
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